With user selectable excitation currents, the T12 resistance thermometer repeatedly scans all 12 channels and the low and high range internal reference resistors. Employing a full reversal current source, the T12 eliminates polarity sensitive errors normally inherent in DC measuring techniques.
The GeckoR2 software supplied allows each channel to be individually configured with ITS-90 or Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients for direct conversion of resistance to temperature. The T12 connects to a PC through an RS-232 Interface. An RS232 to USB converter is included.
Two versions are available, the T12 and T12-E. The T12 is the highest specification version with configurations for Pt-25, Pt-100 and Pt-500 Ω available. The T12-E is an entry level version with 1…380 Ω range for Pt-100 compatibility with a lower accuracy specification.
The most typical application of the T12 resistance thermometer is the validation of temperature uniformity in climatic chambers and humidity generators. In combination with dew point measurement data from an MBW dew point mirror, the T12 can also be used to determine relative humidity uniformity directly within GeckoR2 software. This means that development, validation and calibration engineers can directly assess performance and observe the effects of changes in system settings.
- Twelve channel temperature measurement
- Integrated scanner
- High precision, stability and repeatability
- Negligible temperature coefficient
- Internal reference resistors
- PC software for system control and data acquisition
- Simple to configure and use
- Pt-100 Ω, Pt-500 Ω and Pt-25 Ω versions
Key Specifications
Measuring Ranges
- Temperature: -200…800 °C (PRT Pt-100)
- T12 – Resistance: 1…380 Ω, 5…50 Ω, 10…1000 Ω
- T12-E – Resistance: 1…380 Ω
Performance for the range of -200…250 °C
- Resolution 0.1 mK
- Accuracy (T12) ≤ ± 2 mK @ 23 °C
- Temperature coefficient 0.1 mK / °C
- Accuracy (T12-E) ≤ ± 20 mK @ 23 °C
- Temperature coefficient 0.2 mK / °C
Typical Applications
- Climatic Chamber Validation
- Temperature Calibration
- Calibration Systems
- Energy performance testing