TestNordic was founded 2012, the idea was to sell “The Best Test Instruments to the Nordic Power Industry”. Thru our 12 years we have been able to satisfy many small and big companies like ABB, Vattenfall, ONE-Nordic and LBS.
One of the beacons for TestNordic is to listen and respond to our customer’s expectations and needs, “TestNordic does anything they can for their customers satisfaction”
Since 2012 the product range has been expanded to more markets.
Still the main area is products for testing High Voltage apparatus: like Circuit Breakers, High Voltage Cables, Batteries and Transformers, including monitoring of different gases. We also provide test equipment for low voltage applications like testing groundings and installations. Furthermore we now also provide thermal cameras and ultrasonic cameras
One of the later ranges that has been attached is calibration equipment for both dew point mirrors as well as climatic chambers also measurement of gas in different applications.
Contact details:
TestNordic AB
Måns Brorsson
Financing 1468 kr/month
Add to cartFinancing 992 kr/month
Add to cartIf you’re interested in buying some products, please contact us:
We have measurement equipmet for most parts of the substation, for example breakers, batteries and transformers.
Different PD cameras and insulation testers
Fukt och daggpunkts instrument för kalibrering och verifiering av sensorer
Everything for the high voltage laboratorium, for example AC and DC sources and kapacitances.
Different teqniques are merged and creates new soloutions as Ultra sound cameras and UV cameras. We also market simple and very advanced thermal cameras.
User friendly and wallet friendly or the highes accuracy that’s on the market with uniqe functions as fault level monitoring.
Installation tester for PV installations, insulationt testing under voltage up to 1500 V with or without solar radiation measurement.a
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Nullam curabitur morbi mauris fringilla sagittis lorem. Ultrices velit mus litora vivamus leo lorem curae placerat mattis diam.
Nullam curabitur morbi mauris fringilla sagittis lorem. Ultrices velit mus litora vivamus leo lorem curae placerat mattis diam.
Nullam curabitur morbi mauris fringilla sagittis lorem. Ultrices velit mus litora vivamus leo lorem curae placerat mattis diam.
Years of Expirience
TestNordic was founded 2012, the idea was to sell “The Best Test Instruments to the Nordic Power Industry”. Thru our 12 years we have been able to satisfy many small and big companies like ABB, Vattenfall, ONE-Nordic and LBS.
One of the beacons for TestNordic is to listen and respond to our customer’s expectations and needs, “TestNordic does anything they can for their customers satisfaction”
Since 2012 the product range has been expanded to more markets.
Still the main area is products for testing High Voltage apparatus: like Circuit Breakers, High Voltage Cables, Batteries and Transformers, including monitoring of different gases. We also provide test equipment for low voltage applications like testing groundings and installations. Furthermore we now also provide thermal cameras and ultrasonic cameras.
If you’re interested in buying some
products, please email us: